Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day, Cool blog post recommendations, and Spellbound

Today is Mother's Day here in America, and for me, it's been a good one. My husband took me out for a brunch buffet at a local restaurant named Riley's. It was wonderful to be able to have an uninterrupted conversation! My daughter spent the night with a friend, but she came home with a big smile on her face and roses in hand. My next door neighbor's little girl arrived with a beautiful purple carnation, and my daughter and son presented me with cards that made me laugh and the DVD of Avatar. I have a terrific couple of kids and a keeper of a husband. Thank you all for making my day the best!

If you are a Sci-fi writer and you're world-building, Jaclyn Dolamore has a great post called 10 Awesome Books for Fantasy World-Building.

Angela Ackerman's blog, The Bookshelf Muse, is another great site to help you make your story come alive for the reader. I visit often to use her emotion thesaurus, setting description thesaurus, and color, texture and shape thesaurus.

And finally, I'm not much of a television watcher, but I do like Britain's Got Talent. There are several really good acts this year, but my favorite so far is a troupe called Spellbound. Youtube has disabled the embedded option, but you can watch by clicking here. Enjoy!


Kelly Polark said...

Sounds like a great Mother's Day! Hope you have a great week!

Kelly H-Y said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! How nice that your daughter came home from a sleepover with roses in hand ... that family she stayed with was thinking!!

Angela Ackerman said...

Sounds like a great Mother's day. I was taken out for brunch as well. :)

Thanks so much for your kind words about the Bookshelf Muse. I really appreciate it when people spread the word like this, because I love to help other writers. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. :o) I was given a DVD of Avatar too!!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to celebrate your day! Glad you had fun. I'll go click on the links now.

Christina Farley said...

Hope you had a great day! I saw that Fastasy World building post. It was awesome!

Rena Jones said...

Sounds like a great day. BTW, I've given you an award on my blog today. :)

Mary Witzl said...

Your Mother's Day sounds lovely! We only realized it was Mother's Day here AFTER the fact. Next year, perhaps, we'll remember. My guys have a lot to make up for!

Anne Spollen said...

Happy Mothers Day - a little late, but the sentiment is the same.

Thanks for the links.

prashant said...

Hope you have a great week!
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CHINI said...

mother always live in the heart
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