I've decided to take up Rena's wedding photo challenge. After rummaging through the cobwebs in the crawl space I located the album (and decided I should probably store it someplace other than the crawl space).
Robb and I met at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. We were both kids in college, music majors, working our way through school by performing in the park's shows. I was a singer/dancer, and he played his trombone in the band. Our first date was a ride on the Blue Streak after a show and a quick trip into town for a late night Taco Bell snack. Cedar Point was a great place for two (poor!) college kids to get to know each other. Employees stayed in dorms or apartments (my dorm was a whoppin' $14 a week). We would meet at the beach by the Hotel Breakers around 11 a.m. each day to work on the all-important summer tan. Employees had free run of the park, so we would often take advantage of the roller coasters and other rides. In the fall we would go back to school - he attended the University of Michigan. I was in Ohio at Wright State. We wouldn't meet up again until summer. After our 3rd summer we both accepted a year-long contract from the park to perform in a touring group. Robb proposed the following May, and we married in October. We just celebrated our 23rd anniversary!
Nano update: 6890 Words (sigh)
Great pics! I love the taco bell date...Hubs and I have had many of them...you can be yourself and you don't have to worry about which fork to use...grin...
What a great story, Nora. Thanks for sharing it. Great pictures too!
Those pictures came from a fairy tale or romance novel, right? The young people look very familiar, though. hmmm.
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